(636) 629-3330

Welcome to Bright Beginnings

About Us
Making a Difference
Bright Beginnings is a MO Accredited center that provides an enriched learning environment that has helped countless children get ahead. Founded in 2012, the Child Care Center is located in Saint Clair, MO and puts the needs and safety of all children at the forefront. We’re extremely proud of our staff, who are always eager to learn, create and grow together. Give us a call if you need more information. (636-629-3330)
What’s Happening Here!

Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies
Teaching Strategies partners with early childhood educators by providing innovative, effective resources that empower and inspire them as they teach and care for the youngest learners during the critical, formative years from birth through third grade. They are committed to advancing the field of early childhood education through high-quality, integrated resources; responsive, ongoing support; and research-based, research-proven solutions that enable every early childhood educator to open doors to lifelong learning.

Annual St. Jude Trike a thon
Each summer we love to support St. Jude hospital by raising funds via a Trike a thon. The children love this activity and our community rallies to donate for this important cause.

Informational Links
Take a moment to explore below. The following will provide you with important information for your child and family. We've also included the link to our Facebook page.

We bring Field Trips into our Center for safety!
Each summer, we make an extensive schedule for children to enjoy fun "field trips" such as Balloon characters, Magic show, Face painting, Monkey Bus, water play, obstacles courses, Snow Cone Truck, etc all from the comfort of Bright Beginnings. There is a one time fee that covers all activities.
Bob Keeshan
"Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent."
Call for openings
We enroll children 6 weeks to 12 years old but do have a running Waitlist. We ask that you give us a call to ask about availability. Our contact info is listed below.
(636) 629-3330